Monday, September 17, 2012

More eggs-citing news

Thanks to Cindy for my newest chicken
geegaw -- Farm Fresh Eggs.
 More to come.
 I have been a bad blogger.  I blame the heat and the drought. It has been a real challenge keeping the girls cooled and watered.  I fed them frozen grapes on the hottest days.  They loved them, and I do believe they added flavor to the eggs.  They eat mainly fresh produce from the garden.  They especially love Swiss Chard and tomatoes.

As the summer heat finally lets up, I am feeling such a relief for my girls. Just like a mother hen, I putter and worry about my flock. I knew I had this tendency when I first agreed to this venture of raising chickens and that's partly why I hesitated. But. Louie has taken such good care of them that my worries are subdued. And, now, the Josephinas have settled into a routine.  They begin bawking around 9:00 a.m.  By that I mean they start laying eggs.  We can hear their "bawk, bawk, BAWK," and we know egg production for the day has begun.  Laying between 6 to 8 eggs daily, those girls are more than earning their keep.  We have had no trouble consuming 42 eggs a week.  Well, not just us.  We share with our neighbors, and we are all aware of the cholesterol risks, so here's a link to what the Mayo Clinic has to say about that:  Eggs. Are they good or bad for my cholesterol?

I'll be back soon with more geegaws and a few of my favorite recipes -- with eggs as the main ingredient.

It's like a miracle every time I go into the
chicken house and find eggs.  I'll never
tire of this free produce. 

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